Thanks and appreciation to the distinguished professor Muhammad Jamil
  • 2020-12-06

Thanks and appreciation to the distinguished professor Muhammad Jamil

During the speech of Sheikh Dr. Abd Al-Latif Al-Sheikh at the General Assembly meeting, the Association President said: “I express my thanks, appreciation and gratitude on behalf of the members of the Board of Directors of the AIeslah Association and all the employees, to the professor, educator and father, Muhammad Abdullah Jamil, the Secretary of the Society, who makes it difficult not to join us in the membership of the Board In the upcoming new session, where he apologized for the nomination due to his health conditions. We thank (Boukhalid) for his long service in the association, where he held the position of secretary for nearly 64 years, and his beautiful fingerprints were appreciated by everyone, and he was known for his relentless pursuit of following all the society’s procedures with the authorities The different state, and it was the main pillar of this association, and it will continue to reside in its heart for generations after generations, and we will not dispense with his directions and return to him, asking the Almighty to place all his efforts in the balance of his good deeds, to enjoy him with good health and wellness, and to prolong his life in obedience.

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